NMB Bonus Account

This is a savings account that gives a conducive environment for a customer to save and reach his/her goals. The product offers competitive benefits such as affordable operation fees, interest benefits (basic interest and bonus interest that is paid quarterly), and any amount can be deposited at any time.


  • Offers interest of up to 13% per annum*
  • Available in TZS, USD, GBP and EUR
  • Bonus interest over and above the basic interest
  • Interest accrued daily and paid quarterly
  • Allows Deposits but one Withdrawal per quarter without losing bonus interest
  • Savings can be used as a lien to acquire a personal loan
  • Free Standing Orders/Instructions from other NMB accounts.


  • Applicant age should be 18 years and above
  • Legally Accepted Personal Identity Card (Passport or National Identity Card (NIDA); or Voter Registration Card; or Driving License; or Zanzibar ID
  • Legally Accepted Introduction letter from VEO/WEO/Employer (If not NIDA Id)
  • Two recent passport size photos with blue background
  • A minimum opening balance of TZS 50,000/=

Key Charges Attracted by this Account

  • No Monthly account maintenance fee
  • Transactional charges as per NMB Tariff Guide


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